February 17, 2012

i miss you

I always thought I was so lucky because at 23 years old I had never lost anyone remotely close to me. This past week things have changed and I lost someone very dear and special to me -my grandpa. Despite his long life battle with alcoholism, he had the heart of an angel and his grandchildren were his pride and joy. It breaks my heart to say goodbye to him, but then again I hope that one day I will get to see him again. Whether that be heaven or whatever comes after life. I was rummaging though some of my moms photo albums and found two pictures that I love of my grandpa and I when I was little. Well, I cant express how much I miss you grandpa and how much I hope that you are by our sides even in spirit. Te quiero tanto abuelito!!
4.22.1941- 2.8.2012

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