About This Blog

Hi there and welcome to The Lovely Chronicles. My name is Luisa and I am 23 years old, currently living in southern California. I wanted to start this blog in order to have a creative outlet. I am currently working in accounting (hopefully not much longer) but I studied Merchandise Marketing in the Beauty Industry. Those were probably the best years,  oh how I miss it. I later went on to get my Bachelors degree in Business Management. Well, now that you know a little bit about me I hope you will join me on this new blog journey. You will mainly find posts about style/home decor/beauty/food/design and my life in general. 
Enjoy, Luisa 

P.S I always make sure to give credit where credit is due, but if I have posted something of yours and you would like me to take it down I will immediately. Feel free to share the content on this site, but please be sure to credit the origins and link back to The Lovely Chronicles. 

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