March 5, 2012

Happy Monday

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! I had a pretty eventful one and I enjoyed it very much. Ever since my grandpa passed away its been all about family lately, which I don't mind at all because before he passed we had all gone our separate ways. Its sad to say but his passing has really brought us all together again. Here are some pictures of my weekend through the eyes of my iPhone. 

@ Santo Tomas Vineyard  

Great wine selection 
Delicious meal @Belio's 

March 2, 2012

White & Aluminium:: Tribeca Loft

I seriously can't seem to get enough of this Tribeca Loft, especially the kitchen. This is definitely my dream kitchen. Click here for more images of this Tribeca Loft by Bertrand Benoit.


February 28, 2012

Love Letters

Many of you may not know that I am in a long distance relationship. Yes, I know its the hardest thing you can possibly put a relationship through, but what can I say we're in love and that's all that matters. Anyways, when your in a long distance relationship, were talking about countries apart people, you need to find ways to stay connected ALL the time. So I wanted to share some of the cute cards I bought this week that I will be sending my honey as soon as I receive them in the mail. I know sending letters is old school, especially since our worlds revolve around the internet but there's something about hand writing & mailing a letter that seems so much more romantic. Don't ya think?



February 27, 2012

Oscar Makeup Looks

Unfortunately, I missed the Oscars and for some reason I completely forgot to TiVo them. But as always, after an awards show I always go online and look at the hair, makeup, jewels, and of course the dresses. I am loving the nude lip with pink undertones and overall the simple but classic makeup.



Oscars 2012: Best Dressed

Well, here you go. My picks for best dressed at the Oscars. 


February 24, 2012

Hair Cut

Sooo I am in desperate need of a haircut. I don't think I have cut my hair since I went to Europe and that was August of last year! Yup, true story! I finally made the appointment so of course I've been looking for inspiration everywhere. I want something mid-length but that doesn't look too short when I curl it. Here's what I've been eyeing & feel free to make suggestions as to which hair style you like more.
1 | 2 | 3

February 23, 2012

Giving Back

1. Gracelette NYC | "The red and turquoise strings represent the courage and strength that resides within all of us." A portion of the proceeds of these beautiful and delicate bracelets goes to helping the homeless. 
2. Fashion. Love, Africa | These hand knitted bags are truly made with love, they are woven by the female residents living in the garbage slum of Nakuru, Kenya. Each bag is purchased directly from the women who constructed it, allowing her a consistent source of income.
3. Hand in Hand Soap | Not only are these soaps eco-friendly & vegan but the best part is that for every bar of soap purchased, hand in hand will donate a bar to save a child's life! Each year over 5 million people die of diseases cause by poor water quality and lack of proper hygiene. 
4. David Babaii for Wildaid | These hair products are created with a blend of exotic natural and renewable ingredients. They also support the beauty in nature by donating 10% of all profits to the global wildlife conservation organization in order to help save our endangered animals. 
5. Feed | The Feed Foundation has been around since 2006 and they have amazed me with all they have accomplished since then. Their mission is to create good products that help feed the world. 
6. Warby Parker | This eye wear company was created because unfortunately millions of people around the world don't have access to proper vision care. When you buy a pair, they give a pair to someone in need. 

One of my many missions in life is to be able to give back in any way I can. Which is why it makes me happy to see that more brands are starting to build their entire business model on the concept of giving back. Of course most of us have heard of Toms and their selfless idea of giving a pair of shoes to a child in need, but I wanted to dig deeper and find what other brands were doing the same. Sadly, there are not many but the companies I did find are doing something truly inspiring. Check them out. 

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